Supporting the Khomani Bushmen

Name of Artwork:- TIMELESS LIGHT,
Artist Sean Caulfield

The money from the sale of this painting of the late Buks Kruiper, a Bushmen Elder of the Khomani who has been of great inspiration to myself and many, will be given to Lydia and Izak Kruiper & Klein Mackaai his son, for there community, for the children, for the Christmas and New Years, to help lift the spirit, returning the SOUL to inner happiness….. and any money wanted to be donated to the Bushmen can also be given on this GoFundMe campaign.

Link to more about the Khomani Bushmen of the Kalahari on Facebook

Click here for the promotion of the sale of this painting on

P.S. any purchase that needs to be sent to you, the cost will be added, postage or freight.

The value of the painting is R9000 ….and the price we have made it is R6500 (464 USD) roughly 361 pounds – the size is 600mm X 800mm.

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